Scott Haddow

Chief executive, Trustmarque Solutions

Career so far I've held various roles in industry over the past 20 years.

If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be? The Ryder Cup captain (that week, anyway!).

What will next year's most overhyped industry buzzword be? I think it's two words, but big data.

Has 2012 been a good, bad or ugly year? It has been good if you're able to adapt to public sector opportunities and penetrate the commercial sector; bad if you're a global SI with a huge cost base and clients running from ‘mega procurements'.

What would you have as your last meal? A nice bottle of red.

What keeps you awake at night? My three kids.

What piece of technology could you not be without? My mobile Wi-fi dongle.

Have any of your predictions come true this year? Yes, summer would be a wash out.

What is the best partner/customer trip you have ever been on? The World Cup in South Africa with Microsoft takes some beating.

What do you see as the channel's biggest challenge in 2013? Getting great people. You conquer that and you should have a big year.