Scott Fletcher
Founder and chairman, ANS Group
Career so far I started on a Youth Training Scheme (YTS), and since then I have been running ANS over the last 18 years.
What was your first job and were you any good at it? I started on a YTS in IT, and as it led to the foundation of ANS Group I'd have to say I was pretty good at it.
Who was your top teenage pin-up? I didn't have one.
My colleagues won't know this about me but... I'm pretty much an open book, I'm afraid - but some may not know that I was on TV when I was a kid.
What is your favourite snack? Anything with chocolate.
What has been your career high point to date? Today - I love what I do and I'm leading the best set of people in the IT business, so why not?
Has 2013 been good, bad or ugly? Another good one - every year is an amazing year and things are constantly changing and evolving.
What do you say when asked at a party what you do for a living? I say "cloud" because then they usually seem to have some idea of what that is.
If I wasn't working in the channel I would probably be... Who knows? I've been doing this for so long now that it's hard to even imagine doing anything else.
What will be the channel's biggest challenge in 2014? Continued adoption of cloud and managed services. The old way just won't work going forward, and if you're stuck in a projects paradigm unfortunately you will gradually deteriorate as a business.