Rafi Razzak

Chairman, Centerprise International

Career so far I am chairman of Centerprise, which I founded in 1983. Before that, I was vice president of PACC International and an engineer at IBM.

What was your first job and were you any good at it? My first job was a technician at a cold drinks dispenser company called Jet Spray. I broke an expensive machine at my first solo job.

Who was your top teenage pin-up? Elvis Presley.

My colleagues won't know this about me but... I like watching reality TV.

What is your favourite snack? Pistachios.

What has been your career high point to date? My career has not peaked.

Has 2013 been good, bad or ugly? Good. Business is growing by 35 per cent and profit is good.

What do you say when asked at a party what you do for a living? What is your business first? That will decide if I am to tell him about myself or not.

If I wasn't working in the channel I would probably be... running a restaurant and entertaining clients.

What will be the channel's biggest challenge in 2014? Managing the government's new and ever-changing procurement madness.