Plan to get ahead

What was your first job, and how did you get into IT?
Technical guru in the UK's first microcomputer shop. One day, I asked the question: "Would you like to buy one?" and moved to the dark side - sales.

Planes, trains or automobiles?
Trains: you can eat, drink, work and snooze, without the security delays.

What could prompt you to give it all up and join the revolution?
If the government stopped showing the Union flag at airports and harbours. Hang on, where's my gun?

What is your favourite joke or the one you heard most recently?
A teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to the class: "Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said: ‘The sky is falling, the sky is falling!'"
The teacher paused, then asked: "What do you think that farmer said?"
One little girl raised her hand and said: "I think he said: ‘Holy crap! A talking chicken!'"

If you had to choose just one leisure activity, would you choose an art or a sport?
Golf; I still don't have a handicap, but can now get around the links OK. I play for happy shots - that is, I set a target of so many good shots and if I exceed that, happy days...

What has been your toughest moment at work so far, and how did you resolve the situation?
Sacking one of my best friends. He was out of line too many times. A real tough one, but we still talk.

If someone shrank you to the size of a pencil and put you in a blender, how would you get out?
If the blender was on, I'd wait till they poured.

What is the best way to get UK plc growing again?
Put Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy Kyle and Chris Evans in charge and sack the rest! Pay MPs on their results and renationalise all utilities.

What are you reading?
I read a lot of management guides. It is always worthwhile checking how you feel you are doing.

If you were king or queen, what would you do first?
If I were queen, I would worry.

How far ahead should you plan for your future?
It's important to have a plan. If you don't know where you're going, how will you get there? When I meet people, I always ask them if they have a three-year plan. About half of them do.

What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?
Star Trek Into Darkness. I love sci-fi, and this and Prometheus were great prequels to the original but now dated movies. I like the action, but I like the seamless effects even more.

Where did you get that hat?
Cheltenham races last year; a bald head and sunshine don't go together, plus I needed to feel part of the show - hence the trilby.

Golf is a good walk wasted. Discuss!
Rubbish. Golf is a four-hour break from the world, so long as you turn off your phone and go for those happy shots. I see so many anger management failures throwing their clubs around, screaming into their mobiles. I ask them to leave.

Are IT skills shortages best filled by on-the-job training or formal education (such as at a university)?
On the job with a good employer. I really feel for the kids who do four years at university only to come out to do telesales. The government is letting down a whole generation.
career CV

Graham Jones is joint UK country manager at Exclusive Networks