Rickie Sehgal
Chairman, Transputec
What was the worst job you have ever had?
The worst job a was with a Debenhams-type retail store in Aldgate called Houndsditch. They are exactly like the store seen on a famous 1970s TV series called Are You Being Served?
Which actor would you pick to play you in a movie of your life?
It would have to be Tom Hanks, because is a regular man and yet has a quirky side.
What do you do as your party trick?
I have been known to do a headstand which I learnt doing yoga. Interesting view of people from that angle.
What is your favorite chocolate bar?
I hate chocolate. When I was 10, a girl told me it was poisonous. I haven't got over that yet.
What has been the highlight of your career to date?
The best part has been able going to Harvard Business School and doing an MBA at the age of 51. It has changed the way I think and I love mentoring youngsters who are starting their business lives.
Has 2014 been a good, bad or ugly year?
It has been amazing. I have got my mojo back from a slow 2013. I am happy and excited about the future because we have a fast-growing managed business division and new product about to be launched called Crises Control.
How would you explain the IT channel to a stranger without boring them to death?
The IT channel defies logic. Each year things get faster, smaller and cheaper. But exciting at all times.
Aside from the channel, my dream career would be... a downhill skiing champion.
What major issues will the channel face in 2015?
The channel will face issues of transparency and trust as we all move towards a cloudy world.