Alicia Shepherd

Head of B2B, CMS Computers

What was the worst job you have ever had?

Being an extra in a Frosties advert in 1990 - we were stuck in a freezing cold warehouse for three days, engulfed by dry ice shouting "Come on Tony Tiger". Any ideas of a career on the small screen came to an abrupt end.

Which actor would you pick to play you in a movie of your life?

Now that's a hard one. Probably Meryl Streep. She is professional, dedicated and focused in everything she does, not to mention an Oscar winner.

What do you do as your party trick?

I am known to make a mean Tequila ice cream.

What is your favourite chocolate bar?


What has been the highlight of your career to date?

While I have been lucky enough to have experienced some career highlights, I'm hoping that I have not yet reached the pinnacle of my career and that moment is yet to come.

Has 2014 been a good, bad or ugly year?

2014 has been a very good year. The economy is showing growth, the division I head up has experienced double digit growth and overall the VIP Group is an exciting place to be right now.

How would you explain the IT channel to a stranger without boring them to death?

It's a fast-paced, exciting channel where you can experience the latest and the greatest technologies with the added bonus of meeting some great people along the way.

Aside from the channel, my dream career would be... a professional gin taster.

What major issues will the channel face in 2015?

The skills gap. The industry is growing and we need talent
to support this growth.