Garry King
Chief executive, Shift F7 Group
What was the worst job you have ever had?
Labouring for a bricklayer. It was tortuous.
Which actor would you pick to play you in a movie of your life?
Jack Nicholson. I am told when I am grinning I do not look too dissimilar.
What do you do as your party trick?
Slurring after only two beers, when it was three beers last year. I have become a cheap date and I do a mean Jack Nicholson impression.
What is your favourite chocolate bar?
Cadbury's Fruit and Nut.
What has been the highlight of your career to date?
Learning - somewhat belatedly - that being less hands-on creates time to be more strategic. I wish I had seen the light earlier.
Has 2014 been a good, bad or ugly year?
It's been fabulous so far. Shift F7 Group made another acquisition and our completed project work has received high praise from clients. We also set up Shift F7 Pty in Australia - ‘G'day Shift F7', yeah!
How would you explain the IT channel to a stranger without boring them to death?
I have been married for 11 years and still can't explain to my wife what I do and she still doesn't get it, so there is no hope.
Aside from the channel, my dream career would be... piloting a float plane - wonderful.
What major issues will the channel face in 2015?
Explaining to clients their software vendors' ever-changing licensing Ts&Cs for product usage rights to keep up with the way they want to use their technology. Small word changes creates compliance and cost consequences for them all the time. Please don't shoot the messenger.