Robert May

Managing director, Ramsac

What was the worst job you have ever had?
I had a summer job one year when I was at school cleaning out heating systems in schools. It was awful and convinced me that I was destined for office life.

Which actor would you pick to play you in a movie of your life? I guess it would have to be Vin Diesel based on his uncanny resemblance and fine hairstyle - baldly going where no man has gone before.

What do you do as your party trick? I can put my foot behind my head (it's never really been that useful).

What is your favourite chocolate bar? Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa - dark chocolate rocks.

What has been the highlight of your career to date? Celebrating our 20th anniversary was a great achievement, and obviously being in the CRN A-List ranks up there too...

Has 2014 been a good, bad or ugly year? 2014 has been a great year. We've achieved a lot, developed our teams, added new services and attracted a host of new and exciting clients.

How would you explain the IT channel to a stranger without boring them to death? The channel is the delivery vehicle for most IT sales. Manufacturers supply IT products via distributors to resellers who add value before selling to the end user.

Aside from the channel, my dream career would be... a business coach, after-dinner speaker and world-renowned author.

What major issues will the channel face in 2015? It's one of skills; we need more apprenticeships, more women in IT and education to teach better employability.