Alastair Bell

Chairman, Bell Integration

What achievement are you most proud of?

Growing our company over 16 interesting years and recognising the need to step down to allow the company to continue to grow under a superb management team.

What has been the biggest change in the channel since you started working in it?

Over 20 years I have seen over-regulation by geographically removed management wanting to see increased profits with diluted risk at distribution layer, with vendors making decreasing margins available to the channel preventing re-investment in further accreditations at a reseller level.

What three things could you not live without?

My iPhone, red wine and books.

What has been your most embarrassing moment so far?

None that spring to mind.

What do your family think you do all day?

That depends on my entrance through the front door that evening – they can work out if it has been an office day or not…

Who is your ultimate celeb crush?

Ursula Andress in Dr No, in “that” bikini. You have to be impressed.

What is your guilty pleasure?

None I can think off – any pleasures I have are fairly well telegraphed.

What would be your first act if you were made Prime Minister?

Set up a commercial investigative board for a complete government review by department to remove waste and overspend. No politicians need apply – commercial people solely who can recognise waste and can act impartially to prevent tax income being wasted.

Has 2015 been a good, bad or ugly year?

It has been a great year, with defined service offerings and increased revenues and coverage geographically.

If you didn’t work in the IT channel, what would you do?

Create a company in another market.

What major issues will the channel face in 2016?

In a hardware environment similar to previous years with decreasing spend and margins down. However, those companies that can and have adapted to incorporate greater services will have a good year.