Rod Tonna-Barthet

Chief executive, Annodata

What achievement are you most proud of?

On a personal level, watching my two children Lara (21) and Ross (18) develop into two well-adjusted young adults with terrific values and a great sense of humour makes me very proud. Professionally speaking, it's having helped to more than double the size of Annodata since I joined seven years ago. It has been a challenge, albeit a hugely rewarding one.

What has been the biggest change in the channel since you started working in it?

Without question, it has to be the accelerating convergence in technologies around the network and the impact of mobility and the internet on our clients. Although challenging in terms of keeping ahead of the pace of change, these new developments have also presented the greatest opportunities.

What three things could you not live without?

My iPhone, my glasses and catchup TV!

What has been your most embarrassing moment so far?

Having an entire mug of hot coffee spilt over my trousers two minutes before I was due to present to more than 150 people!

What do your family think you do all day?

Sit in meetings and eat in nice restaurants.

Who is your ultimate celeb crush?

Jennifer Aniston.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Binge-watching episodes of Breaking Bad.

What would be your first act if you were made Prime Minister?

Abolish inheritance tax. I think it is immoral that individuals have to pay a levy on money for which tax has already been paid.

Has 2015 been a good, bad or ugly year?

So far, so good! We're successfully executing on the strategy we developed last year; Annodata continues to grow quickly, in terms of revenue and profitability, and in terms of the number of our employees. We're also increasing the number of services we provide our customers across the UK, by investing in new technologies and further developing our professional services capabilities.

If you didn't work in the IT channel, what would you do?

I would run my own wine bar.

What major issues will the channel face in 2016?

The convergence of technologies and services centred around the network and the move to mobile services will continue to accelerate. The channel will need to keep adapting to be able to meet customers' increasing demands. Those that rise to the challenge and continue to invest in emerging and evolving technologies - particularly those focused on mobility - will succeed as they continue to add value to their clients' strategies.