Loyalty and conviction

Former lifeguard and Verisolve chief Justin Garlick knows exactly what it takes to keep your head above water in the channel

What was your first job, and how did you get into IT?

My first job was as a lifeguard at my local leisure centre, and at the age of 16 it provided outstanding entertainment! I didn't get my first job in IT for another 13 years when I worked at Syscap Computer Rentals: I interviewed for one job and got another. I worked with the best bunch of people who made each day a pleasure.

What is your favourite joke, or the one you heard most recently?

My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.

What never fails to make you sad or disappointed?

Governments are always disappointing as they all appear to live and exist in a world that is so far removed from the day-to-day realties.

Tea or coffee, and how do you have it?

Coffee at work - strong with a touch of skinny milk - and many variants of tea at home, but mainly peppermint - very manly, I find!

What is one thing you miss from being a kid that you no longer do or can do?

Mohawking my hair - indeed doing anything with my hair other than shaving it!

If you were given too much change in a shop, would you give it back?

This doesn't happen as much as I would like it to but when it does I give it to the charity boxes that appear on all shop counters these days - I figure they need it more than the superstores.

Which is more important: a good leader, or the team as a whole?

A good leader will greatly affect the sum of the parts - it doesn't matter how good the team is individually because if they can't work collectively to achieve a given result then they may as well be drones. A good leader will be perceived as part of the team.

What has been your toughest moment at work so far, and how did you resolve the situation?

When I started my first company we were legally threatened and challenged by numerous related combatants so I took and relied upon some good advice and made it clear to those parties that wished us ill that we would not give up and if they wanted a fight to pick it with me and not my staff - worked out ok….taught me a most valuable lesson about what's possible with good information and conviction.

Will there always be value in printed books and magazines?

Always, always, always - there are few things that beat the smell, feel and texture of a printed book…and it's a technology that has only been around the last few thousand years so plenty of life in it yet.

Would you rather draw up the plans, or carry them out?

Hmmm - tough one. I enjoy both planning and executing, but on balance I'll opt for drawing up, as having designed the plan I can still offer assistance in the execution.

Your closest near-death experience?

Almost drowning whilst surfing at Bells Beach in Australia - I was young and foolish and didn't understand the limits of skill!

What are the characteristics of the perfect channel partner?

The channel is all about relevant skills, trust and engagement - one leads to the other and everything we do is for the benefit of those partners we work with and for - this is our channel philosophy.

What are you reading?

The Martian - I wanted to enjoy the book before the film inevitably ruins it!

What is more important: loyalty or morality?

Loyalty. Morality is user dependent based upon many factors (culture being one) loyalty is far more distinctive and certain - you either are or not.

What are the traits of a perfect boss?

A perfect boss is an enabler. He/she makes it possible for everybody else to do their job and achieve their goals for the benefit of the whole.