Mike Dearlove
Managing director, EACS
What is your greatest career move to date?
Abandoning my career in retail management with Tesco to move into
the IT industry.
What is top of your bucket list?
To explore British Columbia.
What has changed most since you started working in the channel?
The move away from what was a very product-driven market to one which is significantly business and services driven.
How do you think Brexit is going to affect the channel?
It is maybe still too early to know the true impact beyond increased costs. However, everyone I talk to is currently doing a good job of remaining upbeat and just getting on with the day-to-day and planning for a positive future.
What is your least favourite task during the working day?
Reading email. It gets in the way of being productive.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
I guess a chameleon. Having been a leader in the IT industry for more than 25 years, you most definitely need to be able to adapt to a changing market, technologies, staff and clients.
If you won the big one on EuroMillions, what would you do?
Tour the world with my family and help a number of charities where donations can have the biggest positive impact.
What is your worst habit?
Starting new initiatives before I have completed others - it's a fast-paced industry and while it can be frustrating for others, it needs to be done.
How has 2016 been for you?
It has been another year of positive change and it's been rewarding to see so many of our staff growing in new roles.
If you didn't work in the IT channel, what would be your dream career?
Head of global marketing for Liverpool FC. I think I could have fun with that one.
What major issues will the channel face in 2017?
Continued shortage of skills and short termism from many of the vendors; greater impact associated with the growth of cybercrime; and immaturity of changing technologies and the associated cost of this.