Rob Bardwell

Managing director, Pinacl

What is your greatest career move to date?

Leading the management team in buying the business in 2015 and now leading its strategic direction.

What is top of your bucket list?

To see whales in their natural habitat and see other natural wonders on an Alaskan cruise.

What has changed most since you started working in the channel?

When I started in distribution in the late 1980s it was very much a product sell, with probably the biggest value in having stock. Now to compete and show value we have moved from solution sales to ‘outcomes' delivery. Oh, and there not being the margins there were in the 90s.

How do you think Brexit is going to affect the channel?

It depends on the politics moving forward, but my best guess is as long as the channel adapts as it has over the years, there will be winners and losers based on the ability to adapt quickly and grasp opportunities.

What is your least favourite task during the working day?

Bringing the 24 pints of milk in from outside the office when I open up.

If you were an animal, what would you be?

A lion - they show a number of characteristics that I believe I have: strength, courage, loyalty to their ‘pride', speed, cunning and tenacity.

If you won the big one on EuroMillions, what would you do?

Set up a British superbikes race team.

What is your worst habit?

Motoring ahead with ideas and wondering why everyone else isn't at the same place.

How has 2016 been for you?

2016 has been great for us. It has been the first full year post-MBO. We have moved the company forward in a number of areas; understanding our ‘why', re-branding, adopted a new marketing strategy and focusing on fewer distinct deliverables. We continue to win good business based upon our unlocking of customer possibilities through the way we deliver ICT. It's exciting to lead a team of talented, motivated, like-minded people.

If you didn't work in the IT channel, what would be your dream career?

I would love to have been either a fighter pilot (what a buzz taking a supersonic plane for a spin every day) or a professional MotoGP rider (riding the world's best bikes around unbelievable circuits - the glamour, the thrill). But unfortunately my ambition would outweigh my talent!

What major issues will the channel face in 2017?

Adapting to sell and deliver value to organisations who are an increasingly educated buying community.