June Thomson
European business development director for healthcare, IBM
What is your greatest career move to date?
Being appointed as UK and Ireland sales director for our Business Partner Organisation. I've never had so much fun in a role working with a great bunch of like-minded people who wanted to do great business.
What is top of your bucket list?
Commonwealth Games 2018 on the Gold Coast in Australia, watching my daughter play squash for Scotland.
What has changed most since you started working in the channel?
The world has changed so much as IT has become more commoditised so it is difficult for channel partners to differentiate and add value. The move to the cloud and new delivery models also represents new opportunities so there is a need for flexibility and forward planning.
How do you think Brexit is going to affect the channel?
I think everyone is struggling to address the impact of Brexit and the uncertainty that comes with it. Britain remains one of the world's leading digital economies with strong international relationships and channel partners should continue using this as an opportunity to develop new markets.
What is your least favourite task during the working day?
Anything to do with spreadsheets. I avoid them like the plague.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
Definitely a domestic cat: loads of freedom, regular food, sleep and comfort when you need it. I wouldn't want to wear a collar though (especially with a bell).
If you won the big one on EuroMillions, what would you do?
Sort all my family and friends out financially, buy Philip Green's yacht and take everyone on a massive holiday.
What is your worst habit?
Burning food for dinner parties. Guests arrive, we start chatting and I forget about the food in the oven. I'm a rubbish cook.
How has 2016 been for you? It's been both broadening and interesting. My European role means I get to experience different cultures and meet lots of new clients and niche partners. I love my job!
If you didn't work in the IT channel, what would be your dream career?
I always wanted to be a hairdresser: meeting new people, lots of chat and hopefully adding value and getting paid - not so different to the channel really. Watch out Toni and Guy!
What major issues will the channel face in 2017? Identifying their individual USP in an increasingly commoditised IT world. Developing new offerings for cloud and Internet of Things and getting closer to and understanding their clients. That's the real value.