Roger Harry

Chief executive, Circle IT

Which tech figurehead do you admire the most?

Michael Dell. He is a really inspiring guy who has led Dell through significant periods of change and growth including last year's acquisition of EMC.

What's the biggest challenge facing the industry no-one is talking about yet?

Hmmm crystal ball time. The cloud… oh no, that's been done to death. No idea!

If you could invite three famous people to dinner, who would they be?

Welsh rugby legend Gareth Edwards; Donald Trump would be good for a laugh; and Nostradamus - I'd tap him up for next week's lottery numbers.

How has 2017 been for you?

It's been good. We've grown the business again and have won some great deals particularly in the higher education and legal sectors. It can always be better though.

What's the most extravagant business lunch you've ever had?

Henley Regatta! As a farmer's boy it was a bit different to the norm, especially the dress code.

Which global city best matches your personality?

New York - the city that never sleeps. I don't need much sleep, being a farmer's boy. I guess it's in the genes.

What would be your super-hero power?

Being in two places at once - there are days when this would come in handy!

Complete this sentence. The worst thing about our rivals is… that they waste energy focusing on what we're doing rather than improving what they're doing.

What makes you nervous?

Sport and competing always make the nerves go nuts!

If you could eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Can I class alcohol as a food type?

Sum up the channel in three words

Exciting, tough, challenging.