Ian Fishwick

CEO, AdEPT Technology Group

Tell us something most people won't know about you

As a teenager I was a drummer in a rock band.

What has been your highlight of 2018 so far?

Buying Shift F7.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Tom Cruise - he is the right height and a lot better looking.

Which tech firm (other than your own!) do you most admire?

Netflix - as an ex-cable TV MD I know how hard it is to get a big audience share in TV and Netflix has made it look easy.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?


What is the most irritating tech buzzphrase of 2018?


What would be your first act if you were made Prime Minister?

I'd change the electoral boundaries so that every vote counted the same.

What's the biggest untapped opportunity facing the channel?

The move to a whole new range of recurring revenue services. There are still too many companies reliant on box shifting.

What is your most treasured possession?

My rescue doggie, Coco.

What do your family think you do all day?

Talk a lot.

Who has been your mentor in business?

Roger Wilson, our chairman, has been my mentor for nearly 25 years. Everyone needs someone to bounce ideas off.