Matt Franklin

CEO, Roc Technologies

Tell us something most people won't know about you

In 1984 I won the Young Farmer's Tractor Driver of the Year - my father was a farmer.

What has been your highlight of 2018 so far?

2018 has been an amazing year so far with many highlights. One that particularly stands out is winning our largest managed serviced contact, a £15m five-year contract to transform and manage IT services by Dounreay Site Restoration as it strives to decommission its nuclear site safely.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Ray Winstone from the film Sexy Beast.

Which tech firm (other than your own!) do you most admire?

That's a hard one; there's so many great companies out there. I'd have to say Google for its innovative culture and its ability to adapt in this ever-changing environment.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Yoga. I've found it to be a great way to start the morning or unwind after a busy day.

What is the most irritating tech buzzphrase of 2018?

‘Artificial intelligence'. I find people mention it a lot, but it's often misinterpreted.

What would be your first act if you were made Prime Minister?

I'd introduce compulsory military service for young people. I think the armed forces provide people with fantastic life skills that can be integrated into any future roles and it'd be a great way to increase the appreciation of our service people.

What's the biggest untapped opportunity facing the channel?

Automation. I believe by adopting automation you can solve a multitude of business issues from driving out inefficiently to reducing costs and improving services.

What is your most treasured possession?

My 1976 Raleigh Chopper! I have it as a decorative item in my living room; although my children seem to have other ideas as to what ‘decorative' means. I'm always having to tell them to step away.

What do your family think you do all day?

I think they believe I spend the day at lunches, dinners and mostly talking complete nonsense. They often say, "You're in IT, can you fix my PC?"

Who has been your mentor in business?

My parents. They instilled in me the importance of hard work and commitment from a very early age by getting me up at 6am to help milk the cows. Living on a farm, there were always jobs that needed doing and this could be any time of the day or night.