Aidan Groom

Managing director, Total Computers

Tell us something most people won't know about you

I have four daughters.

What has been your highlight of 2018 so far?

I'm a huge sports fan so witnessing England reach another World Cup semi-final after 28 years was right up there. Also, the summer in general - there was an unbelievable feel good factor.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

I'd like to say a Daniel Craig, Bruce Willis or Jason Statham but realistically it would be more like Victor Meldrew (yes I'm showing my age referencing a 90s sitcom). Among friends I'm known as a bit of a moaner.

Which tech firm (other than your own!) do you most admire?

It's hard not to admire what Softcat has achieved and perhaps most importantly doing so by staying true to its core values.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Online shopping - I'll soon be in need of counselling.

What is the most irritating tech buzzphrase of 2018?

‘Digital detox'.

What would be your first act if you were made Prime Minister?

To do something revolutionary, like answering a straight question with a straight answer.

What's the biggest untapped opportunity facing the channel?

I'm a huge believer that we're still only scratching the surface of the ‘as-a-Service' model. I don't have a crystal ball but over the coming years I can foresee that model beginning to dominate the channel.

What is your most treasured possession?

My family.

What do your family think you do all day?

Act busy.

Who has been your mentor in business?

Over the past 20+ years in the channel I've been very fortunate to work with some incredible people. If I had to name two, in the early years of being an account director at ISC Networks (now part of CDW) it would be James Miller; in more recent years here at Total it would be my head of finance Jeremy Attwood.