Frank Salmon

Chief executive, CMS Distribution

What was your dream career as a child?

I dreamt of being a professional footballer for many years. I'm now a manager of an U12 youth team - that's as close as I'm going to get.

What has been your personal highlight of 2019?

Acquiring a business in France (Avesta) has been very rewarding and a highlight.

Which famous person deserves a (gentle) slap?

It would have to be Boris Johnson, for being such a prat about Brexit.

What two things (apart from family) would you grab if your house was on fire?

My wallet and my iPhone - that's all I need to operate.

Which of your 2019 predictions have come to pass?

Fingers crossed and the year isn't over yet, I don't believe Brexit will happen.

What TV show have you binge watched this year?

I'm not good with TV apart from watching sports, so no bingeing this year.

How has 2019 been from a business perspective?

It's been very good despite all the concerns with the economy and Brexit.

What annoys you most about your commute?

It's mostly good, however, travelling on the tube at peak travel times can be challenging.

If you could witness one past event, what would it be?

Landing on the moon. It would have been awesome to be there taking that first step.

How do you explain the channel to people?

With great difficulty; the Dell sales evolution helps.

What have been your favourite and least favourite partner conference destinations?

My favourite conference must go to Iomega, held at the original Ice Hotel back in the 1990s. The least favourite has to be the Hilton at Paddington, London.

What is the biggest challenge facing the channel in 2020?

Growth, companies postponing buying decisions and I think there's a risk of us talking our way into a recession.