Richard Lockey

What was your dream career as a child?

Like a lot of young boys, I wanted to be a footballer, and like a lot - unfortunately - I didn't make the grade!

What has been your personal highlight of 2019?

Securing Crayon's largest ever deal.

Which famous person deserves a (gentle) slap?

Piers Morgan. He's just annoying and seems to voice opinions to get reactions rather than because he has something credible to say.

What two things (apart from family) would you grab if your house was on fire?

My dog and my son's iPad!

Which of your 2019 predictions have come to pass?

I try not to make predictions but seeing the state of our current political agenda was fairly predictable!

What TV show have you binge watched this year?

Outlander and Question Time.

How has 2019 been from a business perspective?

Really positive. The business has grown both at a local and a global level, with lots of exciting initiatives still to come.

What annoys you most about your commute?

Nothing, I live very close to the office

If you could witness one past event, what would it be?

Live Aid - what a concert that was!

How do you explain the channel to people?

The channel are the experts that implement, integrate and operate the technology that manufacturers and publishers produce, helping businesses run, evolve and innovate.

What have been your favourite and least favourite partner conference destinations?

This year, my least favourite was London, and favourite was Dubai.

What is the biggest challenge facing the channel in 2020?

Probably the skills shortage, with AI and ML coming to the fore, and with the current longevity of staff averaging about 2.5 years (I read somewhere), making sure you have the right staffing levels with the right skillsets is a big ask.