Donavan Hutchinson

What has been your personal highlight of 2020?

I would have to say launching a new international arm for another US business during a pandemic has been a highlight for sure!

Despite the market and worldly challenges faced, we have been able to create and grow the business very quickly to help support our existing global clients' needs while also expanding into another market (Canada) too.

Which three celebrities would you invite to a Zoom party?

It would have to be Emma Watson, Lady Gaga and Meg Whitman. All three have different attributes to one another but all have become powerful female figureheads for one reason or another and would be great to have a Zoom party with them.

What has been your guiltiest lockdown pleasure?

There have been far too many! With the gyms closed I would say "salted caramel anything" along with the extra benefit of not being suited and booted every day.

Which tech figurehead has inspired you most this year, and why?

Elon Musk. His continued accomplishments and tenacity to push the boundaries are always great to watch. His viewpoints - while on a different spectrum to that of a Bill Gates for example and extreme in thought - are soon becoming reality as he embraces technology as a key driver across his businesses.

What piece of technology, or app, have you not been able to do without during the pandemic?

My phone, a decent Bluetooth headset and a good connection have become even more of a necessity than before.

If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be and what would you do?

I don't think I'd like to be anyone else. I'm happy just being me. As I've said before my life is like a cross between a Mr Bean or a Charlie Chaplin silent film at times with many comedy factors, ups and downs. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Do you miss face-to-face events?

I genuinely do. Face-to-face interaction and the ability to have impromptu meetings to strengthen relationships - both at the event and in a more relaxed setting - is very important when doing business and building a brand.

How will COVID leave its mark on the way the channel operates long term?

Technology has become more important than ever in the workplace due to COVID. I believe the channel will continue to embrace the new world of remote working even when the pandemic ends. Productivity in most areas has increased due to the flexibility that has been enforced upon employers and employees due to the global pandemic.

I foresee that the channel will become very focused on identifying new technologies and solutions due to the demand of the modern remote working and will start to see an increase in digital transformation-type activities from customers who will need to adapt.

The need for a solid support network is more prominent than ever and execution and customer service levels will become more important to retain and also attract new talent and customers.