Stephen Green
What has been your personal highlight of 2020?
That's easy, joining NTT Ltd UK&I.
Which celebrities would you invite to a Zoom party?
Greta Thunberg as I admire her bravery and gutsiness on her position which I expect will have a lasting impact as sustainability becomes an important business topic. Nelson Mandela - he is no longer with us, but I have immense respect for his empathy and vision and how he contributed to my country.
What has been your guiltiest lockdown pleasure?
I wish I could say doing a call in my shorts, but it's been winter in the southern hemisphere, so sneaking a snack on a call. I did do one wearing a beanie.
Which tech figurehead has inspired you most this year, and why?
I traded one of my celebs on the Zoom call so I could have two figureheads.
Jordan Liggitt - one word, Kubernetes. May I add, "Thank you". Marc Benioff - I like Marc for what he stands for: giving, equality and walking the walk.
What piece of technology, or app, have you not been able to do without during the pandemic?
FreeNAS - I've taken the weekends to build a NAS and microsegment my data! Oh and beer, does that count?
If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be and what would you do?
Alan Garner. Vegas, because everybody must do it just once.
Do you miss face-to-face events?
Yes! I love the new efficiency but it's not the way you build friendships.
How will COVID leave its mark on the way the channel operates long term?
COVID has been an inflection point of change. We can expect to see long-lasting change at the core of how we do business, what we call work and how we do it. Business processes and engagements will continue to digital, be optimised and accelerate the continued move to software.