What has been your personal highlight of 2020?
Westcoast's performance and resilience. Amazing growth when the rest of the channel has gone backwards. Tough times, tough decisions, but we have a great team - particularly our warehouse staff who have kept the channel going throughout.
Which three celebrities would you invite to a Zoom party?
Three of Fat Larry's Band!
What has been your guiltiest lockdown pleasure?
Copious amounts of rosé - and I don't feel remotely guilty!
Which tech figurehead has inspired you most this year, and why?
Clare Barclay, the new UK head of Microsoft. A channel advocate supreme.
What piece of technology, or app, have you not been able to do without during the pandemic?
FaceTime. It has kept my self-isolating Mum going.
If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be and what would you do?
Donald Trump - ban Twitter!
Do you miss face-to-face events?
Absolutely. The few meetings I've had with customers and suppliers have been a joy.
How will COVID leave its mark on the way the channel operates long term?
Less direct business from vendors and increased consolidation.