Tim Griffin

MD, DCC Technology

Tim Griffin

What has been your personal highlight of 2021?

I think the highlight was getting my wife to agree to have another dog!

Which tech figurehead has impressed you the most this year, and why?

There are a few contenders, but Michael Dell stands out with his excellent new book, Play Nice But Win: A CEO's Journey From Founder to Leader.

Which one lockdown habit do you plan to keep going?

Fasting is the one habit from lockdown I'll keep.

Which face-to-face industry event are you most excited to return to, and why?

That's easy: CES - the Consumer Electronics Show, the global tech industry's biggest event of the year. The ‘why' is easy: it's in Las Vegas!

If you had the time to learn one new skill, what would it be?

I'd love to learn to play the piano.

If you could go back in time and tell your childhood self one thing, what would you say?

Pragmatically I'd say buy stock in Amazon, Apple, etc… But seriously, my advice for my younger self would be: trust your gut, aim higher and go faster.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would be your song of choice?

If I Can Dream by Elvis Presley

Sum 2021 up in three words.

Challenging, rewarding, promising.