Glen Williams

Glen Williams

Glen Williams

What has been your personal highlight of 2021?

Completing the sale of North to Livingbridge while buying Data Techniques at the same time. It was hard work, but worth it.

Which tech figurehead has impressed you the most this year, and why?

I don't have one specific person that has impressed me this year, but what I have been impressed with is the ability of the leaders of the many tech firms in our industry who have been able to keep growing their businesses and motivating their teams in challenging times.

Which one lockdown habit do you plan to keep going?

I will continue to get a good balance of working from home and going into the office.

Which face-to-face industry event are you most excited to return to, and why?

I tend not to go to industry events but have just attended the CRN Rising Stars dinner which was excellent, so I'm looking forward to attending this again next year.

If you had the time to learn one new skill, what would it be?

A black belt in a martial art.

If you could go back in time and tell your childhood self one thing, what would you say?

Enjoy every day.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would be your song of choice?

Primal Scream's Rocks.

Sum 2021 up in three words.

Challenging, now fun.