Simon Aldous

Channel director, Google Cloud UKI

Simon Aldous

What has been your personal highlight of 2021?

Being given the incredible opportunity to lead Google Cloud's Partner Programme. This is not only a massive personal highlight for me this year, but also a professional one.

Which tech figurehead has impressed you the most this year, and why?

With Tesla's ongoing global success and the phenomenal achievements of SpaceX's missions this year, I think Elon Musk has really established himself as a leader in the industry. Both of these innovations will be of substantial value to so many people and the planet - I'm excited to see what the future holds for Elon and his ongoing initiatives.

Which one lockdown habit do you plan to keep going?

We got ourselves a lockdown puppy and one of the best things about having her is that we now spend quality time together as a family. We now go on long walks to new places we haven't visited before - and we'll definitely continue to do this beyond the pandemic. There really is such a thing as puppy therapy!

Which face-to-face industry event are you most excited to return to, and why?

Obviously the CRN Channel Awards are at the top of the list, but I also can't wait to get back to attending as many industry events as possible. In the last year, we've really been missing that physical engagement with people and the ability to catch up, discuss, debate and ask questions face-to-face, as well as listen to keynotes, watch demonstrations and just feel normal again.

If you had the time to learn one new skill, what would it be?

Music is a big part of my life and I have always wanted to learn to play the piano. Although I've never found the opportunity to do so as it is a super complex skill, which will involve investing a considerable amount of time to learn it properly. There's always something keeping me busy, which might suggest that I need to get better at prioritising my time!

If you could go back in time and tell your childhood self one thing, what would you say?

Be your authentic self because you are special and you will be happy. It sounds so simple but it is so difficult to do, particularly when you look at the pressure young people have today through things like social media where everyone is striving to be seen as having a perfect lifestyle.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would be your song of choice? Frank Sinatra's My Way.

Sum 2021 up in three words.

Challenging, transformational, exciting.