Paul Bryan

MD, Exertis UK&I

Paul Bryan

What has been your personal highlight of 2021?

My family and I managed to get away for a week in the sun. It was great to see my family laugh and have fun with friends.

Which tech figurehead has impressed you the most this year, and why?

I guess it has to be Elon Musk as he relentlessly pursues the radical and reshaping of our future.

Which one lockdown habit do you plan to keep going?

From a personal point of view, cooking. I like to challenge myself with a new dish as I find it very relaxing.

From a professional point of view, listening and helping to empower our staff to drive positive change.

Which face-to-face industry event are you most excited to return to, and why?

To be honest, any event where we can finally do what we have all been missing - developing our relationships with our partners.

If you had the time to learn one new skill, what would it be?

Painting - I definitely have some pictures in me - I just need to know the techniques.

If you could go back in time and tell your childhood self one thing, what would you say? Live on high ground and self-sustain as much as possible.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would be your song of choice?

I love a bit of Neil Diamond cheese.

Sum 2021 up in three words.

Belt and braces.