Debra Coady

Debra Coady

What has been your personal highlight of 2021?

We've recruited three fantastic lawyers into my team during lockdown. Despite the challenges of starting a new job remotely, they've all settled in brilliantly and our team calls are one of the highlights of my working week.

2021 has also been a powerful reminder of how lucky I am to have some incredibly supportive friends in my life, at home and at work, and how important it is to make time for each other.

Which tech figurehead has impressed you the most this year, and why?

Jacqueline de Rojas, TechUK. We were very lucky to have Jacqueline as one of our keynote speakers at Softcat's all-company conference, Kick Off, this year. She is always an incredibly engaging and inspiring speaker and a fantastic advocate for the tech sector and the importance of getting children and young people excited about STEM opportunities.

Which one lockdown habit do you plan to keep going?

Running with my son and our friends most weekends. We're not very fast and don't go very far but it gets the children off Minecraft and gets us all outside - and we're supporting a local business with our hot chocolate/coffee stop at the end!

Which face-to-face industry event are you most excited to return to, and why?

I've said before that lawyers typically don't get invited to events outside our own profession but hopefully someone will read this and take the hint!

It's a virtual event again this year but I am looking forward to the Women in Tech Festival - it's just such a positive and supportive atmosphere.

If you had the time to learn one new skill, what would it be?

To be fluent in a second language - I learnt a bit of British Sign Language years ago and would love to learn that properly.

If you could go back in time and tell your childhood self one thing, what would you say?

You don't have to be good at everything - and no-one else expects you to be - so don't feel bad about the things you can't do and be proud of the things you are good at because they do actually matter and will stand you in good stead.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would be your song of choice?

Bitch by Meredith Brooks

Sum 2021 up in three words.

Thought-provoking, infuriating, empowering.