62 Commercial

Revenue: £66.6m (+2%)

Net profit: 0.6% Staff: 343

This Cheltenham-based managed print, IT managed services and stationary supplier has pivoted during the pandemic, adding PPE to its portfolio and launching two new divisions focused on Workwear and Smart Technologies. Old accounts covering its year to 31 January 2020 show a top line of £66.6m (with managed print and IT infrastructure managed services contributing a respective £5.6m and £10.7m). Revenues in the first 11 months of its fiscal 2021 were 9.2 per cent ahead, it claimed, however.

Covid impact

Despite selling on-premises equipment, Commercial claimed in its accounts that 2020 was shaping up to be its "strongest year to date", adding that it had just snared £13.5m of funding. It harbours a long-term £100m revenue target.