Tim Griffin

CEO, Exertis IT

Tim Griffin

What has been your business highlight of 2022?

There are too many to choose from. Despite the market being challenged by economic circumstances, we've focused on concentrating on where we can bring unique value to our vendor and channel partners, as well as putting focus on key areas where we can grow and win. As a business, we're designed to react to challenge as opportunity, and that makes every year exciting, including this one.

If you were ruler of your own country, what law would you introduce first?

Something to limit the ability of politicians to curry favour with the public by saying things they know are not true…

Which channel or tech leader (outside of your own company) has impressed you most in 2022?

Joyce Mullen, the president and CEO of Insight. She is a beacon in so many respects.

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

"Don't get comfortable." I believe we thrive from being challenged and from having to change and adapt to the world around us. If we ever get too comfortable, we're probably not at our best, so I say: keep the challenges coming!

What was your first job?

Saturday job as a lightshade box packer. After that, lots of bar, bin, furniture removal stuff! It all gave me essential life lessons and kept me grounded. My first proper job was as a sales rep for a Toshiba dealership, selling business equipment.

What was the last book you read, and was it any good?

Lessons from the Edge, by Aldo Kane. Aldo has some incredibly useful things to say about dealing with high-stress environments, ensuring high-quality decision making, encouraging and supporting the people around you, and a lot more besides.

What's the most important lesson you've learned from another business leader or mentor?

The most important lesson I've learned is the understanding that the worst that can happen is actually pretty good. It made me stop worrying and unleash myself.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

I'm going to go with Idris Elba, and I'm sure he'd put in an Oscar-worthy performance!