Pamela Maynard

CEO, Avanade

Pamela Maynard

What has been your business highlight of 2022?

It's been such a transformative year for Avanade on so many levels, so it's hard to have just one business highlight from 2022. Here are my top 3:

If you were ruler of your own country what law would you introduce first?

It'd have to be something like "Maintaining the status quo is prohibited." In the technology industry, we're used to evolving and adapting because there's always a new opportunity to help our clients seize or a challenge to help them overcome. What is clear is that what's worked in the past won't work in the future… now more than ever, the world needs us to think bolder and bring more diverse ideas and perspectives to the table if we want to make a real human impact.

Which channel or tech leader (outside of your own company) has impressed you most in 2022?

I continue to be inspired by technology leader Jacky Wright, who was named the UK's most influential Black person by The Powerlist 2022 and who I had the pleasure of hosting some in-person discussions on the ‘Power of Community' as part of Avanade's International Women's Day activities last March. And I consider her a good friend! As one of the few Black female leaders in the technology industry, I know how important it is to not only have role models that look like you but those who use their authentic voice to make a difference. It was so great that Jacky spent time sharing her own personal experiences with women leaders in our business. Her willingness to be a mentor to others and help pave the way for the next generation of women leaders is an example for others to follow.

If you had a warning label, what would it say?

My leadership team would probably say that my warning label would be: "Warning! Will challenge your thinking." We've focused a great deal over the past two years on arming our 60,000 professionals with the skills they need to have a growth mindset, both personally and professionally. That requires us to think beyond the obvious, to be bold and not be afraid to take calculated risks, and to be empowered to try something new even if it doesn't work out. It's easier said than done. It requires new behaviours and habits, which is why we've invested in training for our people to help them incorporate a growth mindset into their own lives. I firmly believe that having a growth mindset is the single most important trait a person can have, not just in the technology industry but in any career.

What was your first job?

My Saturday job as a teenager was working on the deli counter at a retail store.

What was the last book you read, and was it any good?

My nightstand is full of books at the moment, and I just finished reading Compassionate Leadership: How to do Hard Things in a Human Way, which I had the privilege of contributing to. I think it's so important to bring empathy and compassion into your role as a leader and to create space for people to be heard. If you were to ask me what is the book that has made the biggest impact on my life, I would have to say it's Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers. As a young woman, my mother gave me and my siblings the book - and I still give to people today. It's about not being afraid to take risks if the door is open. All too often, women hold themselves back.

What's the most important lesson you've learned from another business leader or mentor?

I would say that becoming one of the few Black female leaders in the technology industry is not something I would have achieved if I hadn't taken to heart one of the first pieces of advice I was given: "The success of your career will be down to you and no one else…" There have been many experiences that have served to help me grow personally and professionally, but I'd have to say my experiences as a woman of colour have been the most influential. It's no secret there aren't nearly as many women as men in technology. We are working to change that at Avanade - and in the technology industry as a whole. Being the only woman of colour in the room for a long time really challenged me and motivated me to go above and beyond. It propelled me forward. It has helped me progress and fight for my place at the table.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Cynthia Eviro - she is empathetic, creative, entrepreneurial and gritty!