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2. Computacenter

GII: £2.3bn

Staff: 4,787

Hatfield, Hertfordshire-HQ Computacenter maintained its second place in the list this year. Computacenter extends its operations to over 70 countries worldwide. The company engages in direct sales in eight countries and supports operations in an additional fifteen, including Australia, Brazil, China, and the United States.

In its most recent financial year, Computacenter reported gross invoiced income (GII) over £10bn, up 11.4 per cent year on year. The UK market witnessed growth of 12.6 per cent, reaching £2.3bn, the reseller told CRN.

Computacenter focuses on maintaining and maximising relationships with large corporate and public sector customers. After a challenging 2023, during which the reseller managed to grow its IRR overall, strategic priorities for 2024 include customer relationship retention, value creation, services growth, and productivity enhancement.

Workforce dynamics and recruitment strategies

As of the end of 2022, Computacenter employed 4,787 staff in the UK. A company representative shared with CRN that Computacenter foresees gradual workforce growth, aligned with business expansion. In 2022, 4,500 new employees were recruited globally, reflecting ongoing efforts to leverage economies of scale and innovations in tooling, process, and AI.

In 2024, a significant proportion of investments in the business will be directed towards generative AI, the transition from Windows 10, and sustainability considerations.

In 2023, investments were directed towards systems, infrastructure, and capabilities, reflecting a commitment to long-term success.

Growth drivers for the business include developments in XaaS, hyperscaler investments, end-user device refresh cycles, and increased demand for networking and security services. The company anticipates a rebound in infrastructure markets, subsequently driving professional and managed services.

Strategic priorities

Computacenter focuses on maintaining and maximising relationships with large corporate and public sector customers, an initiative in which it says it made substantial progress over FY23.

The strategic priorities for 2024 include customer relationship retention, value creation, services growth, and productivity enhancement.

Addressing industry trends, Computacenter focuses on generative AI, the transition from Windows 10, and sustainability considerations. In 2023, investments were directed towards systems, infrastructure, and capabilities, reflecting a commitment to long-term success.

The reseller identifies growth drivers in AI, XaaS, hyperscaler investments, end-user device refresh cycles, and increased demand for networking and security services. The company anticipates a rebound in infrastructure markets, subsequently driving professional and managed services.