Channel Awards 2022 deadline - one month to go!

Channel Awards 2022 deadline - one month to go!

Time is ticking away as the 1 July deadline fast approaches

This year seems to be flying by quicker than most, and it is certainly the case with the Channel Awards deadline!

Just one calendar month to go until the Friday 1 July deadline - please don't leave it until the last minute - over the years it has been proved that those companies who give themselves plenty of time to compile their entry are more likely to win.

As we said before, awards are not judged on how fancy they look (although it is always a pleasure for the judges to see well laid-out and crucially easy to read entries), but the content within the entry.

Those entries that show they have read the criteria and include facts, figures, customer/partner testimonials and really highlight the personality of the people and teams behind each company, stand out a mile to the judges and actually make our job a lot harder when it comes to picking the winner.

Unfortunately the entries that have been rushed and are little more than a corporate cut and paste job also stand out a mile and are unlikely to even make the shortlist.

We also have some categories that are slightly different in terms of entry requirements, the Channel Chief of the Year, for example, is nominated by channel partners - both resellers and distributors - and are then picked by the editorial team based on the glowing references give by the partners themselves. Vendors, make sure you get your partners nominating ASAP!

The Best CSR Project/Initiative categories are also aimed at looking at specific projects and schemes that you are particularly proud of and to highlight any exraordinary work that individuals and teams are carrying out to make them a success. There really have been some amazing projects carried out by the channel in the last few years - why not shout about your successes?

All the criteria and categories can be found on either the dedicated Awards editorial hub, where you will also find Top Tips for entering, or the official Channel Awards page, where you can also submit your entry.

The very best of luck to you all and enjoy the bank holiday weekend!