Trustmarque accelerates recruitment drive

Reseller to double 2009's staff headcount figure

Trustmarque has launched a recruitment push today in the hope of securing staff to facilitate its expansion plans.

The York-based VAR is set to increase its current staff headcount of 170 by 30, bringing the total to double what it was in 2009.

Ten of the new roles will be in support while the remaining 20 will be employed across the sales and solutions departments in both newly created roles and replacing internally promoted members of staff.

Trustmarque, which recruited 20 additional staff in June, said the new hires will join in line with its expansion plans.

Liz Reynolds, human resources and development director, said: "The recruitment push completely supports our growth plans. Our profits are up and are a result of our growing business. We are growing so much and we need to support it with these new staff."

Successful candidates will be enrolled in training and development schemes. Graduate sales recruits who are incorporated into the general induction are to receive additional support and a "buddy" to monitor their development.