Atea rated as a global sustainability leader for a third consecutive year

The Nordic IT services firm has set a new company best in Corporate Knights Global 100 Index 2024

Atea rated as a global sustainability leader for a third consecutive year

Nordic reseller Atea has been named one of the world's top 100 most sustainable companies for the third year running.

The Oslo-based IT services provider has been making it onto the Corporate Knights Global 100 Index since 2022.

It ranked 51st in its debut year and managed to climb several places in 2023 to secure the 49th position.

Atea set a new best for the company in 2024, earning the 41st position.

It was also recognised as the most sustainable company globally within the IT Services Division for the third consecutive year.

"We are greatly honoured to be recognised on the Global 100 Index of the world's most sustainable companies for the third consecutive year," said Atea CEO Steinar Sønsteby.

"Atea has made a strategic decision and social commitment to lead our industry toward better practices in sustainability, working together with our employees, customers, suppliers and partners."

Corporate Knights is a research and media company that publishes its annual assessment of corporate sustainability performance.

This year's index involved a comprehensive analysis of 6,733 companies worldwide. Companies eligible for assessment must be publicly listed with revenues exceeding $1bn.

Atea also boasts a host of other sustainability-related achievements.

In 2022 it earned an A- rating in the CDP's annual climate change questionnaire: higher than both the B average in regional Europe and the C average in the IT and software sector.

This is the highest ranking Atea has earned since first reporting to CDP over ten years ago.

From 2020-2022, Atea was awarded the highest rating (top one per cent of 100,000 organisations globally) in environmental and social performance by corporate sustainability evaluator, EcoVadis.