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Swine flu predicted to fuel spend

Alcatel-Lucent claims schools will consider virtual learning technology when swine flu strikes this winter

Winter outbreak could accelerate UC adoption in schools, channel players predict

The predicted spike in swine flu cases this winter will kickstart unified communications adoption among schools ­- and the channel can reap the benefits.

That is the view of communications vendor Alcatel-Lucent, which is working with Premium partners such as Freedom Communications, NextiraOne and Switch Communications to target opportunities in the sector.

Natalie Stallwood, business development manager for Alcatel-Lucent’s UK& I enterprise activities, said that relatively few schools have rolled out virtual learning technology to ensure continuity in the event that they are forced to close.

“Becta has been pushing the message of extended learning for educational
benefit, but sometimes it needs a catalyst to force behavioural change," she said.

She added that several Premium partners had assembled extended learning propositions, including demonstrations of how virtual lessons could be taught using Alcatel-Lucent’s MyTeamWork solution.

“It is pretty much an open market,” she said. “We see it as a huge growth area in the next 12 to 24 months. Switch is in conversation with a further education institution to deploy this.”

Stallwood insisted that price would not be a barrier because Alcatel-Lucent is running a £1-per-licence promotion for MyTeamWork. Although she admitted the digital divide may stop all children from accessing a PC from home, she insisted the
vendor was working with county councils at a strategic level to overcome this.

Recent research from Becta found schools that use technology across the curriculum and wider school life have achieved a higher percentage of A* -­ C grades at GCSE.

“There is a huge benefit to extended learning and unified communications,” said Stallwood.

Martin Ratcliffe, business development director at Alcatel-Lucent partner Amillan, was sceptical.

“I have heard this put forward in the healthcare sector but not in education.”

John Massey, managing director of Alcatel-Lucent partner Actimax, said: “It is a good marketing story, but I am not sure if schools will take it up.”

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