Cutting Red Tape
The FPB in one of its many calls to action has asked the government to freeze small busines laws until the next election, claiming businesses are drowning in red tape.
Can this government really go until May without one of its many quangoes and thinktanks inventing another pointless piece of legislation that businesses have to follow?
How about a "You can only wear yellow clothing on a Friday" law? There doesn't seem to be one of those about at the moment.
This is a problem we have all become too aware of - it doesn't matter where you go - red tape is always there to try and trip you up.
In fact, if a manual explaining all the different laws that firms have to adhere to were ever released - it would give Encyclopaedia Britannica a run for its money in the volume stakes.
We live in a day and age of red tape.
It trespasses on our personal lives as well as our business lives.
Something tells me that regardless of how hard the FPB or other organisations shout - there will be more legislation coming out soon - General Election or no General Election.
Fair play to the FPB for having a go.