Retail price watch
For this issue of price watch, Context has conducted a price band analysis focusing on which are the hottest price points at retail and how they divide up by vendor.
Context carries out retail price checks across Europe and its analysts confirm that competition in the UK is fiercer than elsewhere in Europe with more big players after a slice of retail cake.
The hotly contested u1,000-u1,200 price band in the UK is dominated by Compaq which commands nearly 30% of shelfspace. Packard Bell dominates at the higher end with 32% of retail PCs over u1,500 carrying a Packard Bell badge. Apricot is at the very top end with its PCs concentrated above u1,500.
Data for the analysis was gathered by Context researchers on walk-in store checks twice a calendar month between 1 January and 1 April 1996 at a number of multiples. The numbers quoted are the actual numbers of PCs on the retailers' shelves recorded by Context researchers.
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