Fintecs sees clearly with Visio

Visual mapping vendor becomes Microsoft's 24th UK Visio partner

Visual mapping vendor Fintecs has been appointed a UK Visio partner by Microsoft.
The firm joins a list of just 24 partners across the UK focused on Visio.

Tony Gratton, chief executive of Fintecs said: “We believe this partnership is an important one for us in opening up a whole new area of the IT market, that of visual documentation, using the capabilities of Visio to convey large amounts of information in the smallest space as an efficient alternative to text.”

Richard Smith, Visio partner manager at Microsoft said: “The appointment of Fintecs to Partner status is a recognition of the innovative way in which Fintecs is using Visio to add strategic value to business and process visualisation.

“Fintecs is an exciting new business that is taking advantage of the latest Microsoft technology to deliver high-level and strategic visual solutions to businesses across the UK.”

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