Galtec snaps up STL leftovers

Leeds-based reseller picks up former staff from fallen rival

Leeds-based reseller Galtec has picked up some of the remnants of another failed local rival and has targeted a 40 per cent increase in sales in 2009

The VAR has taken on two former staff of Harrogate-based HP partner STL Systems, which hit the wall last month.

This follows its acquisition of fallen VAR IT Solutions’ image rights and customer database in November 2007.

Mark Adams, managing director of Galtec, said the firm would look to take on a further ten technical and engineering staff this year, taking its headcount to 40.

“If Galtec can pick up some of the pieces in the market this is a positive thing,” he said.

Adams predicted the Fujitsu Siemens, Polycom and Samsung partner’s annual sales would shoot up from £7m to £10m in 2009 as it increases its presence in the server, storage, thin client and virtualisation sectors.