Gartner: Personal cloud to oust the PC by 2014

Analyst says digital life will soon revolve around the personal cloud but rejects notion of post-PC era

Gartner has rejected the notion that we are entering a "post-PC era", despite predicting that personal cloud will replace the PC at the centre of users' digital life by 2014.

According to the market watcher, the reign of the PC as the sole corporate access device is coming to a close.

Instead, the personal cloud will dominate, it said.

"Major trends in client computing have shifted the market away from a focus on personal computers to a broader device perspective that includes smartphones, tablets and other consumer devices," said Steve Kleynhans, research vice president at Gartner.

"Emerging cloud services will become the glue that connects the web of devices that users choose to access during the different aspects of their daily life."

But Gartner rejected the notion – espoused by Apple chief executive Tim Cook last week as he unveiled the new iPad – that PCs are being rendered irrelevant by newer devices such as tablets.

Kleynhans said: "Many call this era the post-PC era, but it isn't really about being 'after' the PC, but rather about a new style of personal computing that frees individuals to use computing in new ways to improve multiple aspects of their work and personal lives.

"Users will use a collection of devices, with the PC remaining one of many options, but no one device will be the primary hub. Rather, the personal cloud will take on that role. Access to the cloud and the content stored or shared in the cloud will be managed and secured, rather than solely focused on the device itself."