Gamma Telecom courts data VARs

Richard Bligh: Gamma is removing the learning curve of complicated billing.

Gamma Telecom, which has traditionally been loyal to the telecoms dealer channel, has launched an initiative for data resellers to sell a simple telephony package to SMEs.

The move is driven by the evolution of IP telephony to a point where IT resellers would make good channel partners, it said.

Richard Bligh, Gamma’s marketing director, told CRN that telephony has changed so much that many of the barriers to entry have gone.

“Historically, the data crowd were put off from getting involved in this market because of the complicated issue of billing.”

Gamma has removed that learning curve, he explained, by studying the call patterns of SMEs and bundling minutes to meet their needs.

Graham Francis, managing director of VAR Vocale, said resellers need to brush up on their skills to succeed in this space. “Everyone has to know voice and data, and you have to be good to stay ahead now.”