OGC launches £170m mobile framework

Public sector procurement body unveils new framework for purchasing mobile voice and data services

Public sector procurement body OGCbuying.solutions is making a range of mobile voice and data services available from next year in a deal worth an estimated annual £170m.

The Mobile Solutions framework agreement is launched next month and aims to cater for all the mobile voice and data requirements of public sector bodies. The framework is split into three lots, the first being mobile voice and data.

This lot covers the procurement of commodity mobile services and aims to address the public sector's service management needs. Suppliers for this lot will be BT, O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone.

The second lot deals with wide-area paging and messaging and is targeted at helping public sector workers whose use of messaging devices is impaired by their working environment. It also covers bulk delivery of SMS messages and network-independent, multi-platform messaging. Suppliers for this will be HTK, 2ergo, Orange, PageOne and Vodafone.

The third lot aims to serve customers whose needs are not met by commodity mobile services and thus require more complex or bespoke solutions. Suppliers in this lot will be AMT-SYBEX, BT, Detica, Orange and Vodafone.

Nigel George, mobile solutions project manager at OGCbuying.solutions, said: “Mobile Solutions secures existing benefits enjoyed by customers, provides new savings opportunities and satisfies the growing demand for more flexible mobile voice and data services designed to meet the demands of the transformational government agenda."